K. Aagard Writing
Hardcover & Special Edition coming October 2024!
The Hunter of Fareldin: The Hunter
Strider is content to die...
After 50 years, his revenge is complete and his purpose fulfilled. When a teenager steals the Hunter’s sword, his wolf companion Greer sees a way to help them both: in convincing Strider to escort the girl home safely, there's hope his friend might find the will to keep on living - to keep on fighting.
But this is no ordinary job. His young employer is deeply entangled in a dark plot that threatens her and her fiefdom. Strider must employ his magic and battle training to ensure their survival against soldiers and mercenaries out to claim their bounty.
Can these unlikely allies find a way to survive, or will their differences and secrets destroy them all?
Kylee Aagard has been in love with making stories ever since she was a young child. She was writing tales before she understood proper grammar, the use of periods, or that everything doesn’t need to be written in caps.
Drawing, writing, and games of imagination occupied most of her childhood. Saving her from boring car rides while she traveled with her family to deliver her dad’s artwork.
She fell in love with the fantasy genre at age 8 and spent much of her time drawing dragons and imagining tales of adventure. She expresses her love for the fantasy genre in her writing as she creates her own imaginative worlds.
When she isn’t writing, she spends her time with family; reading, drawing, making jewelry and other crafts, playing video games, crafting D&D campaigns, or just getting lost in her own head.
“...A fascinating and enjoyable read! The adventures the trio go on are so detailed and delightfully entertaining that it was hard to put this book down. The dynamic of the characters & the story made it easy to get lost in their adventure and left you wanting more...”
— Mrs Thomas (Beta Reader)
“…This fantasy novel is a GIFT for almost any age group, with all the elements I crave in a fantasy, PLUS all the heartwarming moments between bonded characters I’ve rarely seen so well done in any literature, but especially fantasy. This is an indie that deserves every glimmer of limelight it can get, and I can’t recommend it enough!…”
— Wayward Skyril (Goodread Reviewer)
“…Dark and melancholic, focusing on the emotional journeys of how the characters personal decisions might effect the social-political dynamics of the world…”
— E.L. Lyons (SFF Insiders)